On 31st of march the General Assembly of LISEL will take place. The organisational and the financial questions will be discussed, as well the LISEL activities 2010 will be presented. The Assembly is open for the all comers at 29, rue Michel Welter. The beginning at 6 p. m.
From 21st till 24th of April we celebrate The Holy Week. We propose all LISEL participants to take part in the liturgies in French and English languages. Holy week liturgy on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening in French language at Christ-Roi community in Luxemburg-Belair, see www.christ-roi.over-blog.com/ or in English language at the european parish in Luxemburg-Hollerich, see www.homepage.internet.lu/european_parish/services.html
On 25th of April we are planning to organize a wonderful trip to the North Sea in Belgium. Let`s enjoy the wonderful landscape and have the great time together.